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Please remember the caveat:  for some peculiar reason, some of these graphics seem to appear correctly in MSIE, but not in Firefox... sometimes.  If anyone can 'splain this to me, I'll be grateful. 

Cumann Bhata ("Stick Society") Camp 2006 

Highland Comm Coll (Freeport IL) 2005

Sean Hayes (April 07) 

Fabris day w/Tim Lyon

Scholars Weekend

Ken Pfrenger June 07

Intro Bartitsu 11/17/07

Brad Waller "The Old Ways" April 08

Cumann Bhata June 08

Josh Little "Safe in the Attack" June 08



Cumann Bhata ("Stick Society") Camp 2006.  C-c-old in late-mid-May in Ohio!  Bruno ('way backlit) is from Brazil, and nearly froze his.... fightin' stick.

Img119.png  Img81.png  cumnbhat0603.png

dscn07021.png  These bleary folks were the sharp kids Allen taught "Introduction to the Arte of Defence" out at Highland Community College in 2005. 





Okay, now we're into the More Reasonably Called Recent Seminars:

dscn0740.png  dscn0743.png  dscn0745.png 


Above, of course, is Sean Hayes' 1.33 seminar in April 2007.  dscn0746.png

Tim Lyon taught a day of introductory Fabris rapier on April 7.

dscn07221.png  dscn0728.png  dscn0731.png


Early June brought out a cadre of instructors for Scholars Weekend:

dscn0750.png  dscn0796.png  dscn0793.png 

dscn0776.png  dscn0774.png   dscn0768.png

EquiSims (TM pending, no doubt!) built by Patrick Bailey for his mounted combat segment were the hit of the event.  Karl Jacob taught medieval grappling, Michael Pennock presented 19th C. saber, Tracy Kopecky taught Pallas Armata rapier play, and Allen Reed led the class in cane-as-weapon techniques. 

dscn0803.png    dscn0814.png  dscn0807.png

dscn08311.png dscn08291.png 

And then the very next week, Ken Pfrenger came out to teach Irish cudgel, collar-and-elbow wrestling, and classic pugilism. 

dscn0833.png  dscn0839.png  dscn0845.png 

dscn08471.png  Who is that guy in back?  Our Mr. SparPro is such a ham.....

And a couple of shots from November '07's Intro Bartitsu, about at least one of which I cannot bring myself to comment, lest I say something, er, un-Victorian.  Not quite pukka, you know. Or un-funny

    bart3.png   bart11.png   bart2.png


 Josh Little pix HERE





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