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 a Northwestern Illinois Rapier Weekend

Spanish Rapier
with Maestro Ramon Martinez

Italian Rapier
Maestro Jeannette Acosta-Martinez

March 19-20-21, 2004

Leaf River Elementary School
605 Main Street, Leaf River, IL 61047

For the weekend of March 19 through 21, 2004, Gallowglass Academy, Inc., will host three full days of instruction in the art of rapier combat. Participants may choose to study either the Spanish or Italian school of rapier fencing under the expert guidance of Maestro Ramon Martinez or Maestro Jeannette Acosta-Martinez, two of the world's most knowledgeable historical fencing instructors. All participants will receive hands-on training daily, with an emphasis on proper technique, self-control, and safety.  The following will be covered:
-- The characteristics of the weapon, and how to select a proper rapier
-- The theoretical foundations of the Italian and Spanish schools of rapier, and how they relate to practice and application
-- Time, measure and proportion
Training methods
Tactical considerations
Fencing an opponent who practices another style

This seminar is a great training opportunity for fencers of all skill levels, from complete beginners to long-time practitioners of rapier fencing.  Beginning with basics on Friday, students will continue to more advanced training on Saturday.  Additionally, during the training sessions on Saturday the students will be video taped to give them an opportunity to see themselves in practice. The tapes will be reviewed along with the students to  give them an evaluation of what they need to work on to refine their skills. Sunday will be devoted exclusively to advanced techniques and tactical considerations.

Italian Rapier
Friday the students will begin by learning, the guards, footwork, counter guards, parries, attacks, counter attacks, and voiding actions.  Saturday, the students will build on the skills learned on Friday by applying them depending on the angles created by the adversary's weapon, in the proper time and distance.

Advanced Italian Rapier
Maestro Acosta-Martinez will teach an advanced class designed specifically to build upon the fundamentals learned on the first two days. The students will learn how to apply these skills tactically within combat conditions.
     Anyone one with prior experience can sign up for the Saturday and Sunday class. (No, you do not have to have previously taken an Italian rapier class with us.)

The guidelines for those who want to start on Saturday would be that they must know the guards, footwork, counter guards, parries, attacks, counter attacks, and voiding actions.

Spanish Rapier
Friday the students will cover the basic footwork, stance, walking the circle, engagement and simple blade actions on the attack and defense. Saturday the students will learn cuts, and more complicated blade actions. This will be a good refresher for those who have already taken classes with Maestro Martinez and or familiar with his tapes.

Advanced Spanish Rapier
On Sunday Maestro Martinez will be teaching an advanced class designed to improve and refine the skills of those individuals who are already familiar with the basic concepts and techniques of La Verdadera Destreza, the true art and skill of Spanish rapier fencing. All participants are expected to be familiar with the proper methods of gripping the weapon, the stance, footwork, proper distance, walking the circle, the engagement, simple attacks by thrust and cut, parries and the movimientos. Anyone planning to attend this seminar must have previously
--attended one of Maestro Martinez's weekend seminars, or
--attended a master class on Spanish rapier, or
--watched the Destreza videos and performed all of the exercises therein, or
--attended last July's Rapier Camp.
Please be sure to practice your basic techniques again before coming to the seminar; we will not hold the entire class back for the sake of one or two unprepared individuals, so be ready to take your fencing to a higher level!

Required Gear

  • Blunted rapier simulator including archery blunt or other tip
  • Blunted dagger simluator (optional)
  • Modern 12 kg fencing mask or equivalent
  • Gorget
  • Long-sleeved fencing jacket or SCA fencing doublet
  • Gloves
  • All men must wear athletic cup; breast protection recommended for women

We'll try to have some extra loaner equipment available, but we're sure to have a lot more if YOU BRING YOUR EXTRA STUFF! (thanx!)

$150 for Friday-Saturday (basic class), in either style

$150 for Saturday-Sunday (advanced) in Spanish --prerequisites above!--

$150 for Saturday-Sunday (advanced) in Italian

$200 for all three big days, in either style!


Or, how ‘bout a Two-fer deal? $375 for two people, three days

After February 15 or at the door: $275/2 days, $300/3 days

Gallowglass Academy, Inc.
P. O. Box 201, Leaf River, IL 61047-0201

You must be 18 (and be able to prove it) to participate.

No refund after February 15, unless the workshops are cancelled.

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Basic Longsword

Greg Mele, Instructor

of Chicago Swordplay Guild

Sunday, February 1, 2004
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Leaf River Elementary School
605 Main Street, Leaf River, IL 61047

$50 until January 15, 2004 – $75 thereafter, & at the door

Gallowglass Academy, Inc.
P. O. Box 201
Leaf River, IL 61047-0201


You must be 18 to participate.

No refund after January 15, unless workshop is cancelled.


This one-day class will look at the fundamental elements of medieval Italian longsword play as it survives in the Fior di Battaglia (Flower of Battle) of Maestro Fiore dei Liberi (1409) and the related--yet distinct--De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi (Of the Art of the Sword) of Maestro Filippo Vadi (c.1482). The class will focus on the core mechanics, techniques and principles of the art, particularly as it is used in the initial exchange of blows at long distance (gioco largo).

Students should wear comfortable, training clothes, comfortable, low traction footwear and bring a longsword waster or 48" hardwood dowel. A fencing mask and leather gloves is optional, but desirable.

Part One – Technical Material

  1. Historical Overview
    1. Overview of the medieval Italian tradition and its component parts.
    2. The biography and history of Fiore dei Liberi and Filippo Vadi and the distinctions in their works.
    3. Overview of the longsword and its role in the tradition.
  2. Mechanical Fundamentals
    1. Basic stance, balance and leverage
    2. Footwork and the three turns (volte)
  3. The Guards (poste) of the Longsword
  4. The Seven Blows of the Sword
    1. Nomenclature and form of the six cuts and thrust.
    2. Integration of guard and blow: cutting from, through and recovering into a posta.
    3. Compound blows
  5. "Covers" (coverte) – Defensive actions with the sword
    1. Parries (parrate)
    2. Beats (rebeter)

Part Two – Tactical Material

The second part of the workshop will focus on the tactical use of the skills learned in part one. Students will learn a series of set-plays (arranged techniques) that each demonstrate both how the various guards play at long distance (gioco largo) against basic attacks and one of the tactical principles of the overall system. Finally, students will have a chance to see how some of these actions can be naturally strung together when combat moves beyond the first exchange of blows.

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a Day of English Swordplay

C. Allen Reed, Tim Lyon, & Tracy Kopecky

Saturday, April 3, 2004 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Leaf River Elementary School
605 Main Street, Leaf River, IL 61047

  • Explore theory and techniques from the 16th- and 17th-century treatises On the Fight of George Silver and the rapier play of Pallas Armata
  • Learn how those Elizabethans and Jacobeans practiced "grasping the sword’s handle and putting the point into the other man."
  • No prior martial arts experience is necessary. Some loaner equipment will be available.

$50 until March 15, 2004 – $75 thereafter, & at the door

Gallowglass Academy, Inc.
P. O. Box 201
Leaf River, IL 61047-0201

Call our new number 815-973-1064 or log on to for further information

You must be 18 to participate.

No refund after March 15, unless workshop is cancelled.


Required Gear
(some spare loaner gear will be available)

Silver class: comfortable workout clothes; Sidesword, wooden single-handed waster, rattan single-handed sword, or three-foot long 1"-diameter wooden dowel; gloves; fencing mask or helmet; blunted dagger simulator or 18"-long 1"-diameter wooden dowel; buckler suitable for sidesword or rattan combat; rigid groin or breast protection.

Pallas Armata: Fencing doublet or long-sleeved fencing jacket; fencing mask; gorget; blunted rapier simulator, fencing gloves or gauntlets, rigid groin or breast protection.


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Gallowglass Academy, Inc., and LEST, Inc., sponsor a 2-day training for Law Enforcement Officers and Security Personnel

Chris Lein Arm Management Program (CLAMP)

April 19-20, 2004

Byron, IL Forest Preserve
Jarrett Prairie Center
7993 North River Road, Byron IL 61010-1074

The CLAMP is one technique that can be used against a non-compliant subject and get that subject to a controlled position so that handcuffs can be applied. The subject can start out standing, kneeling, on his hands and knees, on his stomach with hands tucked under his chest, on his back, on top of the officer while on the ground, grabbing officer from rear, in vehicle with seat belt hooked, in spread position on wall, car, etc. or resisting a jail forced cell move.

It is the highest percentage technique being taught today. By that we mean, more officers can use the technique against more subjects successfully. The technique is a mechanical technique versus a purely pain compliant technique. The mechanics of this technique allows for rapid application and control of a subject. It will work on subjects who might be combative due to the influence of alcohol or drugs.

For more information, please contact Larry Lein at
TEL/FAX 816-734-9141
[email protected]

Here's a download-able .PDF version of the application to mail or FAX file_image.cmp

Call us or check here for lodging info in our area.

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Get Your Irish Up!
punchin', wrasslin' and stick-fightin' the traditions of the Auld Sod

June 12-13, 2004

@ Gallowglass Academy
6372 N. Mt. Morris Rd.
Leaf River, IL 61047 

Ken Pfrenger is a well known WMA instructor in traditional folk wrestling, Irish stick fighting and pugilism. 

The weekend's  pugilism covers from Mendoza's 18th century method to Dempsey's 20th century method, and all points in between, including methods of striking and defending, and grappling as per the early rules.

Folk wrestling will focus on the Collar and Elbow style, as well as the
material from Sir Thomas Parkyn's "Close Hugg" manual and Zach Wyldes' advice on wrestling.

Irish cudgel play uses a cane-sized cudgel for both self defense and
gang warfare.

Participants should be at least 18, and in good physical condition. Wear comfortable workout clothes; we are not air-conditioned, and may train outdoors.  Men MUST wear athletic cups.  Focus mitts, knee and elbow pads, & a cane sized non-crook stick optional.  We will have wresting mats and some additional equipment available, but more mitts and sticks won't hurt.

Fees are $75 until June 1 and $100 thereafter, payable by check, Paypal, or cash.  Please call 815-973-1064 or
[email protected] if you have more questions

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Acupressure & Sports Massage
for Enhanced Performance & Injury Prevention
Sue Michaelsen, instructor

Sunday, July 18, 2pm-5pm
at Gallowglass Academy
6372 N. Mt. Morris Rd.
Leaf River, IL 61047

Learn pre- and post-workout techniques to reduce stress, improve energy, performance and prevent injuries.  Relieve tired, achy necks, backs, shoulders, arms and legs.  A very hands-on session for martial artists of all disciplines, athletes of all sports, exercisers of any ability.  Wear comfortable clothes you can move around in. 

Instructor is an authorized Jin Shin Do® Acupressure teacher, with extensive training in Internal Martial Arts and Sports Massage Therapy. She is certified in Orthopedic Massage Therapy as well.  Ms. Michaelsen is the first U.S. citizen to earn Master Helen Wu's Teaching Certification for Internal Martial Arts for Health and Healing.

Pre-register (by check, Paypal, cash, or phone 815-973-1064) for just $20
Walk-ins $25, please!
Optional text purchase at class $6 -- Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure

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Bowie Knife Workshop

Saturday, September 11, 2004

@ Gallowglass Academy
6372 N. Mt. Morris Rd.
Leaf River, IL 61047

When Jim Bowie survived the Vidalia sandbar fight in 1827, he became the best-known knife fighter in American history.  The big knife named for him came to be carried by mountain men, soldiers, Southern gentlemen and politicians alike, becoming the most famous knife in American history.

Students in this workshop will be introduced to the use of the Bowie knife, one of the most powerful and devastating fighting knives ever developed. The workshop will cover the Bowie knife as both part of our American heritage and as a modern fighting knife.

Most, if not all, of the workshop will take place out of doors, rain or shine, so participants should dress accordingly. 

Required gear:
   Comfortable workout clothes
   Sports goggles or equivalent eye protection
   Lightweight leather or other protective gloves
   Men MUST wear an athletic cup

Recommended gear:
   Blunt practice Bowie knife replica
   Fencing mask
   Rolled-up magazine taped up with duct tape for free play practice

$50 until Sept 1; $75 thereafter, payable by check, Paypal, or cash.  Onsite lunch is included

Must be 18 to participate. 

Please call 815-973-1064 or
[email protected] if you have more questions


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"Fight Or Flight":
A Day of Personal Combatives

Saturday August 28, 2004

@ Gallowglass Academy
6372 N. Mt. Morris Rd.
Leaf River, IL

Students at this workshop will learn how to defend themselves with just the empty hands or with a cane/stick, and some basic ground-fighting techniques. Students will work against both armed and unarmed attackers. Techniques will be an eclectic mix from both Oriental and Western traditions. Students will learn how to fall safely as well as strikes and throws.

Workshop will take place primarily outdoors, so students should dress appropriately. Wear comfortable workout clothes, and cross-training shoes or boots.

Required gear:
   Sports goggles or equivalent eye protection
   36-inch long, 1"-diameter, hardwood dowel or hardwood crook neck cane
   Men MUST wear an athletic cup

Suggested gear
   Plastic or rubber training knife
   Soft elbow and knee pads
   Karate helmet or other protective head gear
   Mouth guard

$50 until Aug 15; $75 thereafter, payable by check, Paypal, or cash.  Onsite lunch is included

Must be 18 to participate. 

Please call 815-973-1064 or
[email protected] if you have more questions

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Abrazare e Daga
Two-Day Wrestling & Dagger Workshop
Fiore Dei Liberi’s Fior di Bataglia

Instructor:  Bob Charron, Instructor, St. Martins Academy of Medieval Arms

September 25-26, 2004

Byron Forest Preserve, Jarrett Prairie Center
7993 North River Road, Byron IL 61010-1074

About the Seminar
Fiore Dei Liberi was born in the middle of the 14th century in the village of Premariacco in Northeastern Italy. He studied the art of arms for over 40 years, had experience in military actions, combats in the lists, and duels. Circa 1400 he was retained as the instructor at arms to the household of Niccolo d’Este, the Marquise da Ferrara. His treatise, the Fior di Bataglia (Flower of Battle – circa 1409), is a complete martial arts system which addresses hand to hand combat, knife attack and defense, the use of the sword in one or two hands, armored combat with swords, axes and spears, and techniques for fighting from horseback. 
The themes of this system are recurring throughout the text, and they begin with the first topics addressed – hand to hand combat and knife attack and defense. Here the student learns the principles of balance, posture, skeletal alignment, footwork, attack angles, strikes, breaks, locks, throws, and disarms that not only provide him with an admirable defense unarmed or with the knife, but serve as the basis for methods with other weapons that come later in the treatise.
This seminar will focus on the basic themes and methods of Fiore’s approach. Even with two full eight-hour days to study, all the techniques in his treatise cannot be covered. However, the basics of Fiore’s system can be grasped and retained for use in further study of the treatise and effective and scientific use of the sword, the spear and the axe.
Each day will begin with a lecture and demonstration of techniques to be covered that day. This allows a gentle start to each day (and time for a couple of cups of coffee!) while gaining the critical historical, philosophical and ethical background necessary to understand the art.
Students should wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to work up a sweat in warm-up exercises and to fall to the floor in a controlled manner. For dagger training, each student will be provided a suitable dagger mock-up by the instructor for use during instruction.
Fiore’s approach is a brutal and effective combat system. Using these techniques at speed or without an overriding regard for the safety of your training partner will result in serious injury. Therefore the training in this seminar is done slowly and in harmony with your training partner. Fiore himself speaks to the necessity of using caution in training. Technique execution will only occur under the direction of the instructor. Any variation from this format or endangering of one’s training partner may result in the student being asked to leave the seminar. Safety and learning is first. Check your egos at the door.
Each day will include a full one-hour lunch break. During this break the instructor will remain on-site and available for any questions or comments from the attendees.

Day One
The first day will begin with a lecture and demonstration of the wrestling techniques. This will allow the student to understand the context of Fiore’s art, to become familiar with Fiore’s advice to the combatant and Fiore’s "eight requirements of wrestling" (strength, quickness, grabs, strikes, breaks, dislocations, locks and throws). It also allows the student to see the techniques demonstrated and explained before undertaking them personally. 
This lecture and demonstration will be followed by warm-up exercises and drills for establishing balance and footwork, incorporating the four wrestling poste (positions), the four types of stepping and the three types of turning from Fiore’s treatise. 
The plays of wrestling will then be undertaken as half-speed practice in context so that the student can understand how these plays come to be used in the flow of an encounter. Grabs, throws, strikes, locks, breaks and counters will be covered.
Fiore’s transitional techniques with a short stick (bastoncello) will be covered next as an entry to the dagger play. Locking, choking and hooking with the bastoncello will be learned.
The techniques learned will then be re-capped and reviewed. Questions will be welcomed and answered.

Day Two
The second day will begin again with a lecture and demonstration of the techniques of the dagger. This will introduce the student to the "Five Masters of the Fight" (strikes, disarms, breaks, locks and throws), the five poste (positions) used to fight with and against the dagger, and the nine "Remedy Masters" (covers against a dagger attack). 
The lecture and demonstration will be followed by warm-up exercises and drills incorporating important aspects of the art of the dagger, including the use of tempo, distance, line and cover to create multiple layers of scientific defense. 
The plays of the dagger will then be undertaken as half-speed practice in context so that the student can understand how these plays come to be used in the flow of an encounter. Dagger strikes, covers, disarms, locks, breaks and throws will be covered. The material includes techniques for unarmed defense and for defense while wielding the dagger. 
The techniques learned will then be re-capped and reviewed. Questions will be welcomed and answered.

Pre-register before September 1 for $125 by check, Paypal, or cash; $175 thereafter.
Please contact us directly (call 815-973-1064
or e-mail  us at
[email protected]) if you have questions. 

You must be 18 to participate.


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Capo Ferro and Giganti

Willliam Wilson and Gary Chelak, instructors

October 30-31, 2004 (boo!)
Byron Forest Preserve, Jarrett Prairie Center
7993 North River Road, Byron IL 61010-1074

 Ridolfo Capo Ferro and Nicolettó Giganti comprise 2 of the 3 preeminent published masters of early 17th century Italian civilian swordplay. While both fencing systems rely on time and measure for success, each took a wholly different approach.

Capo Ferro’s 1610 text drew difference between the art & science of fencing. He capitalized on fencing theory that developed in the Dardi school and took it to a new level of civilian combat.

Giganti’s 1606 text is the practical man’s book. Less scientific in word only, multiple layers of concept and intricacy help make easy use of advanced theorem. The result is repeatable and systematic success.

The Capo Ferro & Giganti portions of the seminar build upon each other, using drills to illustrate concepts. Both single sword and sword & dagger are covered. Moderated assaulting at the end of Day 2 provides opportunity to put these concepts to use.

Equipment: Standard SCA rapier gear or WMA equipment including jacket, gloves, mask, gorget, & groin protection for men. Breast protection is recommended for women; notebook and pen(cil) recommended for all. 

Pre-register before October 1 for $125 by check, Paypal, or cash; $175 thereafter.

Please contact us directly (call 815-973-1064 or email  us at [email protected]) if you have questions about this -- or any other -- of our seminars. 

You must be 18 to participate.

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For more information, contact:
Andrea Dubnick

August 30, 2004



GALLOWGLASS ACADEMY to offer Authentic Rapier Fencing at HCC

European swordplay of the late 16th and early 17th centuries (think Hamlet, Cyrano, ...and Hollywood) is on the schedule at Highland Community College in Freeport this fall. Allen Reed (Leaf River) of Gallowglass Academy, Inc., will teach the basics of the fast-paced martial art of rapier fencing as practiced throughout western Europe 400 years ago. HCC’s Community Education Program will offer "Introduction to the ‘Arte of Defence’" as an 8-week class, based on the instructor’s study of both historic treatises and modern texts, and his work with other scholars of the rapier.

"Arte of Defence" classes begin on Tuesday, September 14, on the lower level of HCC’s Student Conference Center, from 7-8:30 p.m. Community members interested in training with the rapier will include actors and re-enactors interested in the historic combat they portray, martial artists eager to learn more of their European heritage and – of course – anyone who has grown up watching those great swashbuckling movies!

"The ‘Arte’ gives some students an insight into particular points in history," explains Reed. "And training with the rapier can be great exercise. It’s also quite a lot of fun!" No previous fencing experience is required, but Reed requires students to wear comfortable, long-sleeved heavy duty workout clothes and lightweight leather work gloves, available at any hardware or garden center. Men need groin protection as well.

The instructor will provide rapier simulators, fencing masks and throat protection. HCC is located at 2998 W. Pearl City Road in Freeport; call 815-235-6121 to register. Cost of "Arte of Defence" is $45.

Gallowglass Academy was incorporated in 2002 by Andrea Dubnick and her husband Allen Reed to focus and integrate their mutual interests in personal defense, swordplay, firearms, and history. Reed has studied and taught Western martial arts for over 10 years, as well as 17 years of experience teaching Oriental martial arts and self-defense, and over 20 years as a law enforcement firearms instructor. Dubnick is a history buff/re-enactor and fiction writer who insists on authentic historical details. They relocated to Ogle County from Chicago in 2003.

Reed and Gallowglass Academy, Inc., were featured by Freeport’s Journal-Standard in January 2004. Gallowglass Academy will offer a two-session modern defense course for non-martial artists (through Oregon Park District) in October, and two weekends of historical swordplay in September and October, all in Ogle County. For additional information, log on to

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Highland College "Arte of Defence"  autumn 04

The Final Week -- Trial by Combat!  Each student had to face the instructor one-on-one.  Here are a few highlights, chosen by photographic serendipity...

dscn0398.png  dscn0395.png  dscn0403.png

We're pleased to announce, however, that everyone Conducted Themselves In Thoroughly Honourable & Gentle Manner, and Survived the Ordeal!



Week #4 -- Andrea's excuse is that she's still getting used to the new digital camera; we're not convinced that familiarity will improve the quality of her work in this class!




On the other hand, she's managed to learn how to do this

Now all she has to figure out is why someone would ever want to!

The students, on the other hand, are Progressing Quite Splendidly. And they're already looking forward to Next Semester (and Highland has promised us a better space).


 Weeks #2 and #3 -- Miraculously, no one was scared away, and now students finally got to use Actual Rapiers!  






Week #1 -- We're assigned to a cafeteria room, we've got swords, masks & gorgets (in a spiffy Garden Sword Cart to haul it all around) enough for 10 students... and 11 turn up, too many of 'em small women for our big gorgets.  This picture is the best of the few that Andrea took. 


Two other examples: These footwork drills, f'r instance, look like the Minister of Silly Walks teaching the Hokey Pokey !

wk1footwork.png wk1hokey.png









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Leaf River community First Aid & CPR class -- fall 2004

First Aid and CPR 

American Red Cross Standard First Aid and Adult CPR class meets at Bertolet Library
(406 S. Main St., Leaf River)
Saturday, November 27, 8 am-12 noon
and Saturday, December 18, 8 am-12 noon

Enrollment (open to ages 14 thru adult) is limited to 10, so preregistration is necessary by November 1.

$30 covers textbook, skill cards, supplies & equipment rental. Make check payable to
Allen Reed, c/o Gallowglass Academy, P. O. Box 201, Leaf River, IL 61047

Got questions? Get answers! 738-2970 or 973-1064!


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